Please note: this investment is only available to Australian investors and/or explicitly excludes US investors.
Founded May 2020
US operation with Sydney offices
100+ closed transactions
$350+ million in transactions
Series 7 and 66 licenses held (US/ FINRA)
Exemption received for Australian Operations
Specialise in providing access to private, growth stage companies, specifically out of the US.
The Problem...
US private markets are opaque in practise and foreign in law. Equity in growth stage companies (AirBnB, Uber) cannot be easily and cleanly acquired.
Currently Solved by...
Platforms white label US based offerings - causing layers of fees, $200k+ minimum investments, and a lack of market insight. It all translates to premium pricing - a "proximity tax".
What if?
A licensed US market participant offered APAC investors access to US growth stage names in a clean, compliant, syndicated structure with low investment minimums ($20k) and simple fee structures.
That's what we do.
On a deal by deal basis we are syndicating APAC investors to access US growth stage investments via the Aussie Angels platform.
There are numerous strategies and justifications for “doing the right thing” in business - often they are justifications for actions one would otherwise not be entirely proud of. The Hamia Group does not weigh the benefits of “doing the right thing” strategically or in a business context. We assume that all people are aware of our actions in each moment and make choices that we would be proud for all people to be aware of.
Jack Richardson
Managing Director at Hamia Group